Unpressured fishing and wildlife viewing right out your front door.

WILD AYAKULIK is a remote fishing and wildlife viewing camp located on the south end of Kodiak Island. It is here, on the banks of the mighty Ayakulik River that we operate a seasonal tent camp, conducting exclusive guided fishing and nature viewing trips. Our heritage is both deep and rich, beginning with the creation of this camp almost 30 years ago by Dave Jones of Alpenview Wilderness Lodge. We are pleased to continue flying that flag in 2021 and beyond!

We possess the ONLY commercial special use permit of its kind from the US Fish & Wildlife Service for the upper Ayakulik River Drainage. Therefore you are guaranteed an exclusive and unique experience. We host a maximum of 6 guests per week from June through October, striving for a low impact, high quality experience. Days are spent striking out from camp by way of jet boat, rafts, and hiking to get around. Comfortable amenities, great food, excellent fishing, and bear viewing in a pristine environment is to be expected. WILD AYAKULIK! A place you have to experience to believe!

Flowing for 40 miles from its headwaters, the Ayakulik River is the largest drainage on Kodiak Island, carving through the heart of Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge. With countless tributary streams, lakes, and ponds, it is the richest salmon and brown bear habitat on Earth. It is in this pristine wilderness that the mighty Kodiak Brown Bear reigns supreme and salmon fuel the food chain. All 5 species of Pacific Salmon make their way home to the Ayakulik every year, along with Dolly Varden, Rainbow Trout, and Steelhead. It is an incredibly healthy and diverse ecosystem.

The Ayakulik River valley is stunning beyond imagination, reminiscent of the Pleistocene epoch. It is covered in rolling tundra and red willows as far as the eye can see, with lush vegetation and towering ridgelines dominating the landscape. Fishermen, wildlife photographers, and naturalists rejoice!

What To Expect

• 8hrs of guided fishing and wildlife viewing per day on foot, by jet boat, and raft.

• Roundtrip Float plane transportation from Kodiak City to Ayakulik River and back.

• Comfortable 8’x10 ‘Weather Port sleeping tents with propane heat and lights.

• 10’x30’ heated main cook tent and social center.

• Extra warm sleeping bag, fleece bag liner, pillow, and cot.

• Fishing rods, reels, and tackle if needed.

• Excellent meals with local and international flavor.

• Tea, coffee, water, ect.*

• Outhouse latrine facilities.

• Sauna steam bath bathing facilities.

• Fish processing on last day of trip.**

*Alcohol is not included nor served. If you wish to drink, please buy your own alcohol in Kodiak City before flying to camp. Please bring your own soda if you are a fizzy drink connoisseur.

**We do not have the capability to vacuum pack or freeze fish, therefore harvesting fish only happens on the last day of each trip. Fish can then be further processed in town.

How Do We Get There?

Before you arrive in Kodiak, we will have a scheduled roundtrip flight via floatplane from Kodiak City to our camp on the upper Ayakulik. This is how you will arrive and depart. Weather dictates life on Kodiak, and we work around it the best we can. This often involves planning a little extra time before and after a trip to compensate for layovers/delayed flights.

*We only provide and are responsible for transportation from the city of Kodiak to our camp and back. You are responsible for setting up all other flights and travel accommodations.