100% Wild

Fishing You Won’t Believe

As the biggest river system on Kodiak Island, the Ayakulik hosts a very rich and diverse fishing opportunity. It is clear flowing, roughly 100 feet wide, has low banks with minimal vegetation, and easy wading. This is perfect for the fly fishing enthusiast.

June and July is primetime for Sockeye (Red) and King Salmon (Chinook) fishing. Sockeye are 5-7 pounds and arguably the hardest fighting salmon. Known for their acrobatics and high voltage attitude, they are pound for pound the most exciting salmon to catch on a single-hand fly rod! They are also the best eating.

Kings are BIG AND ORNERY! They will weigh between 15 and 35 pounds. Possessing raw strength and stubbornness beyond all reckoning. We target these fish by swinging large flies with two-handed spey rods. When a fresh King grabs your fly, it is surely something you will never forget!

*Wild Ayakulik is not responsible for emergency closures and regulations that impact fishing. This mainly pertains to King Salmon. If their is a closure for targeting Kings we will try and notify you as soon as possible.

Dolly Varden run from July onward as they follow the salmon back from the ocean. These are a species of char, very similar in characteristics and temperament to a trout. Highly aggressive, 1-4 pounds, and absolutely stunning in their fall spawning colors (very similar to a brook trout). Dollies are extremely aggressive towards a fly and are a great catch for beginners and those who just want to catch a ton of fish! Rainbow Trout are present throughout the year. These are some of the most heavily spotted and beautiful trout you will ever see.

Late July and August brings in more Sockeye and returning Pink Salmon (humpies). Humpies in the Ayakulik can number in the millions, making for a truly impressive biomass at this time of year. All sorts of critters, especially eagles, foxes, and bears from across the island come to gorge on the bounty. Humpies are an excellent fish on light tackle, 3-5 pounds in weight, highly aggressive, and easy to catch for anyone regardless of skill level.

September is the month of the Silver (Coho). If you could only catch one salmon this is it! Burly, aggressive, with a take no prisoners attitude. Silvers are the best of all worlds. Possessing strength beyond strength, Ayakulik Silvers run on the larger side (12-15 pounds) and will absolutely destroy a topwater fly! They are an incredible game fish, leaping high out of the water and burning up your reel. We target these chrome beauties by stripping flies with a single-hand fly rod. During peak fishing, double digit days are common, and triple digit days are not unheard of. Just catch em' till your arm falls off!

As September roars and howls into October, Steelhead and Dolly Varden steal the show. Steelhead are a sea run rainbow trout in the 5-20 pound range. Rare and beautiful beyond description. The weather is rough and quite nautical this time of year, but anyone who has felt the tug of a wild Steelhead on the line knows why we are out there! Swinging flies with two-handed rods and drifting beads is how we enjoy targeting both these species.

Timing of Fish Returns

  • June-July: Sockeye and Chinook

  • August: Pink and Dolly Varden

  • September: Coho and Dolly Varden

  • Mid-September/October: Steelhead and Dolly Varden

    *This is a genral timeline for fish returns. Actual return times vary depending on a multitude of factors including; rainfall, ocean conditions, and tides.

    *Wild Ayakulik is not responsible for emergency closures and regulations that impact fishing.